Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find below a summary of the activities taking place over the next two weeks leading up to the end of this academic year.
Sports Day – 13th July:
Sports Day will take place on Friday 13th July from 09:00am through to 1:pm. Students should arrive at school wearing their PE kit. After breakfast, staff and students will proceed to the Damilola Taylor Centre for their sporting activities. Students will return to KS3 for lunch at 12:30pm, after which they will be dismissed at approximately 1:00pm.
Inset Day – 16th July:
INSET DAY – School will be closed to students due to staff training.
Last day of term – 18th July:
LAST DAY OF TERM. students should arrive at the normal time. The school day will end at 12 noon.
Start of new term – 5th September:
For students returning to SILS in September, please note that school reopens on Wednesday 5th September 2018 at 10am.
I would like to thank you all for all the support you have given to your child and SILS over the last year. I wish you and your family an enjoyable summer.