We continue to be a GOOD School:
On 5th June 2018, Southwark Inclusive Learning Service (SILS) underwent an Ofsted Inspection and we are very pleased to announce that our schools continue to be “GOOD”.
The lead inspector Kanwaljit Singh remarked that “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection”. That we have created a culture of high expectations across all aspects of the school’s work. Staff and pupils value our direct and honest leadership. We have focused on developing middle leadership since the previous inspection and this has led to improvements in the quality of teaching.
Safeguarding is effective:
Pupils said that they feel safe in school. They are aware of potential dangers in the local community and are taught how to keep themselves safe through personal, social and health education lessons and additional workshops. Pupils have learned about risks from gang affiliation, drugs and knife crime. Staff are also aware of potential dangers to pupils in the local community, including spotting signs of grooming.
To read the full letter, please click on the link below.