The Careers/Work Related Learning Department’s aim is to enable students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, in relation to their future career development. We provide up to date impartial information on employment opportunities, training schemes and further and higher education courses. We support students make career decisions, which are appropriate to their abilities and aspirations.
We have established links with the local community and Prospects to ensure that all our students have applied for further education, training or work. The department also facilitates Work Experience or shadowing placement for pupils that provide them with appropriate preparation for the world of work.
Dedicated and qualified members of staff support pupils to develop the skills they need to seek out and apply for employment and educational opportunities. We work within the local authority’s guidelines on equal opportunities for race, class and gender to prepare students for the transition from school to the variety of opportunities that exist after school.
Please send any careers enquiries to our careers lead Azemina Miftaroska
T: 0207 525 1150
Please click here to see our careers policy
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Year 10 students are given the opportunity to try variety of different courses at our off -site provisions to develop their skills and sample different vocational and academic environments.
Year 11 students are supported to apply to college and or work. They have one 45 minute lesson a week, and are offered the opportunity to develop the skills needed to access the world of further education and work. Students are encouraged to compile Progress Files, which include their Curriculum Vitae, a job application cover letter, qualifications, certificates and reports. All students are offered a careers interview with a Personal Advisor from Prospects who is available outside of school and also in Year 12 to support students.
At Sils 4 we do our very best to help and support our students to make the best possible start to their life after compulsory education.