Welcome to SILS
Dear all,
I am delighted to welcome you to the SILS website. As a small school on two locations within Southwark, we start from the belief that education can transform lives and we aim to give all students learning experiences to prepare them for their lives beyond school.
We know that students learn best when lessons are matched to needs. We recognise that every child is different, with some needing additional support. We therefore strive to get the best out of our students irrespective of previous experiences, backgrounds or abilities.
We are immensely proud of our students and we work in partnership with Southwark local authority, mainstream schools, professionals and parents to achieve successful outcomes, which may be reintegration to mainstream schools, re-engagement with learning and/ or achievement of 5+ GCSEs at end of year 11.
I hope you will find the following pages informative and will not hesitate to contact us if you require further information about our school.