It is our fundamental belief that every young person, in spite of their background, previous life experience or the challenges they may have faced, has the right to achieve and should be provided with every available opportunity to do so.
Our highly skilled team of staff recognise the increasing pressure placed on young people today and take a restorative approach in helping them to take ownership and responsibility for their learning and behaviour.
Our specialist staff have an unwavering belief that all our pupils are able to achieve well. We help them to meet their full potential via effective teaching, learning and assessment and unique curriculum design.
SILS is a place where opportunities are provided, resilience built and attitudes and lives are transformed.
Southwark Inclusive Learning Service Curriculum Statement
SILS’ core purpose is to ensure all students are able to achieve and succeed in life. Our curriculum is therefore designed to allow our students to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens: regardless of their starting points.
Throughout holistic curriculum approach, the academic, emotional, physical and social developments of all our students are seen as equal parts. we believe achievement and success is created by a reach and dynamic curriculum that creates curiosity, engagement, enjoyment and participation.
Our curriculum includes a comprehensive core offer in literacy and numeracy which enables our students to then access other curriculum areas.
Also, central to our curriculum is a wide range of opportunities to develop Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural awareness to help with the preparation for the next phase of life and ultimately adult life and the world of work.
Other fundamental aspects of our curriculum are the therapeutic and pastoral characteristics which are key to enabling access to academic learning by students recognising that their own and others wellbeing is essential to success.
We recognise that most of our learners are referred to us having become disengaged from learning and not seeing the value of education; they often have gaps in their knowledge and understanding because they have experienced disruption to their schooling. They likely exhibit a wide range of both emotional and educational needs, which by their very nature can impinge negatively upon their progress. SILS identifies a tailored, personalised curriculum that aims to meet each individual need, and one which we hope will also capture their interests and prepare them for the next stage of their educational journey. Our aim is always to broker the highest quality provision but also ‘a fresh start’ and provide a curriculum which is enriched by a range of planned activities and experiences to enhance learning and personal development so that all our young people:
- engage in a in curriculum which is underpinned by creativity, functional literacy, numeracy and development of enquiry.
- become confident individuals who are able to live a safe, healthy and fulfilling life.
- recognise core values of spiritual, moral, social, cultural, physical and mental development, and their contribution to healthy individual well-being.
- recognise the value of Education. Our curriculum therefore, is flexible, inclusive and offers continuity, coherence and progression. It aims to motivate and provide challenge for all young people whatever their ability and promote achievement for all so that ‘we make a difference’.
- create responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to their local community and society.
The curriculum offer is discussed with learners and their parents/carers at our initial meeting following referral, and it is always made very clear that regardless of whether their child’s programme is full or part-time – they remain a member of SILS School Community, and they will be fully supported throughout their time with us. Some learners’ needs may be best met by a flexible timetable for a period of time; this may be due to their emotional wellbeing; their ability to cope with full time provision (especially for those who have been out of education for some time); or due to challenging personal circumstances not connected with school. Where this is the case, it is always identified, in agreement with our Educational Welfare Officer, as the best means of a therapeutic return to a full-time curriculum. All provisions are reviewed regularly with a commitment that all of our full-time learners attend a fulltime structured curriculum.
Curriculum Entitlement and Choice
Our students study a wide variety of academic and vocational courses that reflects their academic abilities and interests. All students have the opportunity to complete Functional Skills or GCSEs in English and Maths dependant on their level of ability. In addition to their academic progress, students are supported in their personal development through a range of PSHE and Careers opportunities.
Benchmarking with Mainstream
A significant amount of what our curriculum offer at SILS is to be able to progress students back into mainstream settings; in order to facilitate this, aim we work closely with the schools who place students with us to ensure that what we are delivering is in line with what our mainstream colleagues are doing. Subject leads have close links with their counterparts in mainstream schools and this is a regular focus of CPD activities.
Our Curriculum Programme includes:
- promoting high standards in reading, writing and mathematics
- allowing students to develop a knowledge of themselves, the local community and the wider world
- linking learning experiences to the real world and sense of purpose through our career provision
- building confidence by enabling our young people to think and reflect
- enabling students to acquire knowledge and skills in a variety of subject areas
- promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- promoting physical and mental development as well as an awareness of the important of a healthy lifestyle
- enabling students to be aware of the importance and participation in the arts
- developing the personal and social skills of each child
- providing equality of access and create a true entitlement for all students to make progress
- preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life
- developing student voice where the child is listened to
- growth and wellbeing of the whole child is developed
- an achievement culture where young people achieve academic excellence
- a growth mindset culture in the school where students have determination, resilience and self-belief
- well-rounded young people who make positive decisions about education, employment or training when they leave our school
- a curriculum that is continually reviewed and revised to ensure it is relevant and appropriate to support young people in an ever-changing world
Three different pathways at Key Stage 4:
- Pathway A – more able/High Attainers
Criteria: End year 9 result in English and Mathematics – Grade 3 or above
Class – 10A
Courses: iGCSE English Language (end of year 10), GCSE English Language (end of year 11), GCSE Mathematics, GCSE H&SC, ICT BTEC Digital Employability, Employability Skills, GCSE Biology Science, Art Silver Awards, Study Flex, Level 2 Functional English and Maths.
Option Block A – 2 subjects from GCSE English Literature, GCSE Statistics, GCSE Drama and GCSE History.
No Off-site provision
Total No of GCSEs (+ Equivalence) = 7 GCSEs + 4 Equivalent qualifications
- Pathway B – Middle Attainers
Criteria: End year 9 result in English and Mathematics – Grade 2
Courses: iGCSE English Language (end of year 10), GCSE English Language (end of year 11), GCSE Mathematics, GCSE H&SC, ICT BTEC Digital Employability, Employability Skills, GCSE Biology Science, Art Silver Awards, Study Flex, Level 1 Functional English and Maths.
Option Block B – BTEC Sports and Food Technology
No Off-site provision
Total No of GCSEs (+ Equivalence) = 5 GCSEs + 6 Equivalent qualifications
3- Pathway C – Low Attainers (4 days at SILS 4 + 1-day Vocational Alternative Provision)
Criteria: End year 9 result in English and Mathematics – Grade 1 or below
Courses: iGCSE English Language or Entry Level 3 English, GCSE Mathematics or Entry Level 3 Maths, ICT BTEC Digital Employability, GCSE Biology Science or Entry Level 3 Science, Art Bronze Awards, Level 1 Functional English and Maths.
Option Block B – BTEC Sports and Food Technology
Total No of GCSEs (+ Equivalence) = 3 GCSEs + 5 Equivalent qualifications
SILS prides itself on the very positive relationships with our students, parents and providers. At SILS we focus on the following the key measures:
- Destination data
- Attainment and accreditation
- Progress measures
- Attendance
- Stakeholder feedback
Our aim for each of our pupils is that they transition to the next stage of their education or training with as much potential to achieve their best outcomes as possible.