Alternative Provision Taskforce
At the start of the 2021/22 academic year, Southwark Inclusive Learning Service received funding from the DfE to set up the Alternative Provision Taskforce which is located in on both SILS 3 and SILS 4 sites.
This was originally a pilot project running for two academic years until August 2023. However, the project has been extended for a further 19 months until March 2025. The project has a focus on improving attendance, employment and training after Year 11, reducing their involvement in serious violence, and improving mental health and well-being.
The Taskforce adopts a multiagency approach, with an intention to improve specialist skills in AP schools by enhancing the relationships between AP schools and local partnerships. The project will be trialing the impact of co-locating professionals from health, education, social care, youth services and youth justice in AP schools. Co – locating these professionals in SILS should make referrals to outside services quicker and provide opportunities for practitioners to build trusted relationships with our pupils.
Taskforce team members:
Pearl Fleming: Taskforce Project Lead
Coordinate the work of the team
Megan Kent: CAMHS Mental Health Therapist
Support young people to better understand and manage emotions & relationships, Mental health screening and first aid.
Mia Nunan/Jessie Forester: Speech and language therapist
Offering assessments with student to help us understand whether there are additional speech, language and communication needs that we can better support.
Rachel Francis: Family support worker
Working with young people and their families, offering practical support, home visits and signposting to support.
Kevin Okoroji :Youth offending worker
Working to prevent children and young people under 18 from offending and reoffending.